API Overview
Creates a state for a store.
* Creates a state object for a store.
* @template TStore - The store type.
* @template TGenericStore - The generic store type.
* @param state - The state object.
export function createState<
TStore extends Store,
TGenericStore extends Store = Store,
state: {
[K in keyof (Omit<ExtractStore<TStore>['state'], keyof ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']> & Partial<ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']>)]:
(Omit<ExtractStore<TStore>['state'], keyof ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']> & Partial<ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']>)[K] | undefined;
): ExtractStore<TStore>['state'] {
return state
Creates getters for a store.
* Creates a getters object for a store.
* @template TStore - The store type.
* @template TGenericStore - The generic store type.
* @param getters - The getters object.
export function createGetters<
TStore extends Store,
TGenericStore extends Store = Store,
getters: PiniaGetterThis<TStore, TGenericStore>,
): ExtractStore<TStore>['getters'] {
return getters
Creates actions for a store.
* Creates an actions object for a store.
* @template TStore - The store type.
* @template TGenericStore - The generic store type.
* @param actions - The actions object.
export function createActions<
TStore extends Store,
TGenericStore extends Store = Store,
actions: PiniaActionThis<TStore, TGenericStore>,
): ExtractStore<TStore>['actions'] {
return actions
Defines a generic store with the given state, getters, and actions.
* Defines a generic store.
* @template TStore - The store type.
* @param store - The store object.
* @param baseStore - Another base store to extend.
export function defineGenericStore<
TStore extends Store,
TGenericStore extends Store = Store,
store: StoreThis<TStore, TGenericStore>,
baseStore: StoreThis<TGenericStore> = {},
): StoreThis<TStore> {
const undefinedProps = new Set<string>()
store = filterUndefined(store, undefinedProps)
baseStore = filterUndefined(baseStore, undefinedProps)
return {
state: {
getters: {
actions: {
options: {
Where the actual Pinia store is created. Combines the given store with a generic store.
* Defines a store. Can extend a generic store.
* @template TStore - The store type.
* @template TGenericStore - The generic store type.
* @param id - The store id.
* @param store - The store object.
* @param genericStore - The generic store object.
export function useStore<
TStore extends Store,
TGenericStore extends Store = Store,
id: TStore['$id'],
store: StoreThis<TStore, TGenericStore>,
genericStore: StoreThis<TGenericStore> = {},
) {
const undefinedProps = new Set<string>()
store = filterUndefined(store, undefinedProps)
genericStore = filterUndefined(genericStore, undefinedProps)
return defineStore(id, {
state: () => ({
getters: {
actions: {
}) as StoreDefinition<
Creates a type for a store or a generic store.
* Define a type for a store or a generic store. Combines their properties.
* @template Id - The store ID.
* @template State - The store state.
* @template Getters - The store getters.
* @template Actions - The store actions.
* @template TGenericStore - The generic store type.
* @public
export type PiniaStore<
Id extends string = string,
State extends StateTree = object,
Getters = object,
Actions = object,
TGenericStore extends Store = Store,
> = Store<
State & ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state'],
Getters & ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['getters'],
Actions & ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['actions']
Internal types
Extracts the type of a store.
* Extracts the state, getters and actions from a store.
* @template TStore - The store type.
* @example
* Index this type to access the state, getters and actions of a store.
* ```ts
* type State = ExtractStore<Store>['state']
* ```
* @internal
export type ExtractStore<TStore extends Store> = TStore extends Store<
infer S extends StateTree,
infer G,
infer A
? {
state: S
getters: G
actions: A
: never
Type for getters that use this
to access the store.
* Getters with `this` context of the store and the generic store combined.
* Puts all of the properties into `this`, while it only requires the getters unique to the store to be defined.
* @internal
export type PiniaGetterThis<TStore extends Store, TGenericStore extends Store = TStore> = {
[K in keyof (Omit<ExtractStore<TStore>['getters'], keyof ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['getters']> & Partial<ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['getters']>)]?:
((this: TStore & NoId<TGenericStore>) => ExtractStore<TStore>['getters'][K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? ReturnType<ExtractStore<TStore>['getters'][K]> : never) | undefined
Type for actions that use this
to access the store.
* Actions with `this` context of the store and the generic store combined.
* Puts all of the properties into `this`, while it only requires the actions unique to the store to be defined.
* @internal
export type PiniaActionThis<TStore extends Store, TGenericStore extends Store = TStore> = {
[K in keyof (Omit<ExtractStore<TStore>['actions'], keyof ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['actions']> & Partial<ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['actions']>)]?:
((this: TStore & NoId<TGenericStore>, ...args: ExtractStore<TStore>['actions'][K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? Parameters<ExtractStore<TStore>['actions'][K]> : never)
=> ExtractStore<TStore>['actions'][K] extends (...args: any[]) => any ? ReturnType<ExtractStore<TStore>['actions'][K]> : never) | undefined
Type that combines PiniaGetterThis
and PiniaActionThis
with the state.
* Store with `this` context of the store and the generic store combined.
* Puts all of the properties into `this`, while it only requires the ones unique to the store to be defined.
* @internal
export interface StoreThis<TStore extends Store, TGenericStore extends Store = Store> {
state?: {
[K in keyof (Omit<ExtractStore<TStore>['state'], keyof ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']> & Partial<ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']>)]?:
(Omit<ExtractStore<TStore>['state'], keyof ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']> & Partial<ExtractStore<TGenericStore>['state']>)[K] | undefined;
getters?: PiniaGetterThis<TStore, TGenericStore>
actions?: PiniaActionThis<TStore, TGenericStore>
// options?: Omit<DefineStoreOptions<TStore['$id'], TStore['$state'], ExtractStore<TStore>['getters'], ExtractStore<TStore>['actions']>, 'id'>
options?: DefineStoreOptionsBase<ExtractStore<TStore>['state'], TStore>